Anuradha Bisht

( Delhi )

Anuradha Bisht

level one 2018 Work Experience

I m Anu and I love music and dance! I’ve been dancing since I was a little kid. I have a background in classical and modern dancing. I am also a trained yoga teacher. Later on, I took a few years break from everything for bringing up my little kids. Then years after, I started finding opportunities to be back on track and came across Anuj Academy where I could get another chance to start over. This time I chose fitness instructor course which is mainly focused on fitness and also inline with my background and interest, and that is with plenty of professional options. Fitness instructor course is a well designed course that is equipped with many important aspects which are required to sustain in professional marketplace. This also includes hours of focused training and practice classed by Anuj Sir and Poonam mam on different modules systematically. I am very thankful for their continued guidance and support.